
Other - Software

Scientists and staff at IGS generate new genomic data and develop a number of new software tools that are freely available to the research community and public at large.

Chain Forging evolutionary links to underlying mechanisms
MAPGAPs A set of tools to build and search protein multiple sequence alignments
Ergatis A platform for building and executing analysis pipelines
IDEA - Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses A tool to perform and visualize evolutionary analysis
Manatee A web-based genome annotation tool
PhyloTrac PhyloTrac is a software package for exploration and analysis of phylogenetic diversity from PhyloChip data
Sybil A web-based comparative genome analysis tool
Workflow A program to build and execute complex analysis pipelines on local computers and computational grids Data Download
BSR The BLAST Score Ratio (BSR) approach, implemented in a Perl script, classifies all putative peptides within three genomes using a measure of similarity based on the ratio of BLAST scores. The output of the BSR analysis enables global visualization of the degree of proteome similarity between all three genomes
Analysis Web Resources
Sybil Sybil is a web-based tool for visualizing and mining comparative genomic data
Gemina A web-based system to identify infectious pathogens and their representative genomic sequences through selection of associated epidemiology metadata
Manatee A web-based genome annotation and annotation visualization tool
HMP DACC The central repository for all human microbiome project (HMP) data, providing specialized data management and analysis infrastructure to facilitate discoveries about the human microbiome.